Live Lean, Strong & Sexy

Denise Leckie
1+ Year Member
From: Sean McCutcheon, Local Fitness & Body Transfomation Expert
Hello Future L.S&S (That’s Lean, Strong and Sexy),
Sean here, a local Fitness Expert with 17+ years Training Experience in the health and fitness industry. Additionally I also have 9 years of extensive nutrition experience and over 4-years sport and nutritional supplement knowledge.
I’m also a 41-year old dad of 2 fantastic kids, in a long term relationship, work full time and I’m an all around great (busy) but great guy.
Now…Why do you care?
Well this gives me a unique insight into the challenges you face when it comes to taking care of yourself.
First as a Trainer I understands that you want to improve your fitness and appearance. However spending 4-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week for months on end, ala: Biggest Loser, is incredibly un-realistic for you. But when you’re exercising you still want to see fast noticeable results.
And second, as a dad and spouse I understand the time challenges that you face when it comes to improving Your health and Looking and Feeling as good as you can.
Well sometimes ‘time for me’, that can get lost in the shuffle with the day-to-day routine…
I mean, You have your life to live and that consists of:
Updating twitter that you’re about going shopping
Paying bills
Updating your Facebook status about how tired you are from shopping, cleaning, paying bills
And so on…
So when it comes to taking care of ‘YOU’ well, that can be a challenge.
That's where LeanBody Boot Camps comes in.
Now let me straight with you!
LBBC does not have mythical, late night TV promising or magic pill pound dropping and body shaping powers.
It requires a bit of effort, a bit of sweat and a bit of commitment on your part.
The good news is that after almost two decades of helping dozens upon dozens of clients with their own successful transformations with real world experience, not to mention trial and error while applying a multitude of fitness and diet systems to my own fitness routines.
I have narrowed down the most Effective, Tried & True and PROVEN Fitness and Fat Loss Tactics combined them with Fundamental (and a few SECRET) Nutritional Strategies and incorporated them into Lean Body Boot Camp.
I can hear you asking “So tell me Sean, what’s unique about LBBC?”
Well I’m glad you asked.

LBBC is an Indoor Program:
No more cold mornings
No more wet grass, laying in mud or on rocks
No More canceled sessions due to bad weather (…what, in Calgary?)
No doing push ups and finding ‘surprises’ left from our Cities 4-legged friends.
This gives you YEAR ROUND TRAINING ACCESS! No more stopping your fitness journey because winters coming…see you in 6-months (ha-ha)
LBBC offers fast, effective 45-minute sessions
Allows for time conscious participants to get fast, efficient workouts.
Keeps you in you optimum metabolic zone to maximize results
Get in, Get Sweaty, Get results, Get on with your day…and do it Fast!
LBBC has Padded Floors
Allows for higher intensity training levels
Offers high level of support and protection for joints
No more laying on hardwood floors or dragging around a mat
LBBC Develops your 6th-sense with BAREFOOT Training
Improve Proprioception*: One overlooked sense, known as proprioception, is as important, if not more important as the other senses, for normal functioning. Proprioception is "the process by which the body can vary muscle contraction in immediate response to incoming information regarding external forces,"
Proprioception, also often referred to as the sixth sense, was developed by the nervous system as a means to keep track of and control the different parts of the body.
What this simply means is that LBBC will develop and improve, along with your health and appearance, your coordination and balance.

Rhonda Ries
1+ Year Member
Well Sean this all sounds good so far…...what else you got for me?
Great early morning ‘on the way to work’ locations as it is just minutes to 4-major Southeast traffic routes. Blackfoot Tr, Macleod Tr, Deerfoot Tr and Glenmore Tr.
Monthly 60-minute Nutrition & Lifestyle Workshop
Close to green spaces. Allows for outdoor training on hot summer days
Locations offers varied equipment and training options. Workouts stay challenging, diverse, interesting, fun and deliver results.
On going Coaching and Guidance to ensure your results.
Continual email and phone support
Oh Yeah…and Free parking!
Sounds good now tell me what do we do in LBBC?
A lot. LBBC was modeled on Real Boot Camp Fitness Training.
We will incorporate ‘Tried n’ True’, Exercise Science Based, Proven Fitness Strategies and combine them with the Latest ‘Cutting Edge’ Body Transformation principles.
To accomplish this, you utilize a variety of training styles to maximize your progress. Each workout will employ a different training theme and style.
From Body Weight Training, Resistance Bands and Kettle Bell Training along with Circuits, Callisthenics and even some Boxing Conditioning.
These styles have all been integrated in to the program. This ensures constant progress, real, accelerated results and that your workouts stay fun and engaging.
Ok Sean Sounds great…WHAT DO I DO NOW?
Simple really, just drop us a email or give us a call
at 403-860-1034 to start you own Lean Body Journey.